Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mimi Reads the Pigeon Books to Macy's Class

It is Texas Public School Week and Macy's teacher invited parents and/or grandparents to read a book to the class. Since Monday is "Mimi and Marshall Day," he got to go with me. You can't see them, but they are side by side right in front of me. Macy thought long and hard, but "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" and "Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late" by Mo Willems were the two short books she picked for me to read to her class. We also had fun eating lunch with Macy in the cafeteria that day. Marshall is just about ready to join her at school NEXT year!!

1 comment:

Pam said...

I forgot to comment on this.How fun to be able to do this for our grandkids. I was the secret reader for Mattie Sue pre school. So fun being Mimi's and Nama's.