When a child is first learning to write, teachers call it "inventive writing." You almost have to have the child read it for you in order to understand what it says, then you say, "Oh, yeah." Well, this is a story Macy wrote at age 5, in her inventive writing, about what happened at their house a few nights ago. You have to start at the bottom and go up, and it says, "MAX ATE 14 GRAPES." The picture at the very bottom is of Max and then a picture of his "throw up." Then it says, "GOOD." Yes, it was good that he threw up the grapes, or he would have died, probably. Macy and Marshall had been eating grapes out of a bowl and left it on the coffee table. Mom went into the bathroom and helped them get baths, then came out and saw Max scarfing down the grapes as fast as he could. Julie knew they were toxic to dogs and called her Uncle Herb, the vet. He said to force Max to drink several spoonsful of hydrogen peroxide, in order to force him to throw up, which they did. Shortly afterward, Max threw up all the grapes, and has lived to----probably be the reason to write more stories!! Great writing, Macy. Your Mimi, the English teacher is going to keep this paper forever!!
I, too, was so proud of her writing. She did this in her room during her "quiet time" while Marshall was napping. She did it 100% independently and came out to show me. She said, "Look, I even tore the corners off to make it look extra pretty." (guess she wanted to spruce up the vomit picture.)
O I love that story. How cute and so glad you have kept the paper.
So funny!!! Interesting about inventive writing!
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