Why do I write this blog? Because I have some really cute grandchildren and I want to document all the memories we have made together, for their sake and mine! Someday, I will print all of my posts in a book for them to keep!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
CBC Kids' Choir Concert
Sean always does such a great job when he gets up in front of the congregation. Since he is the pastor for the elmentary age children, he was called upon to give the final invocation at the end of the concert. He will be doing his first real sermon at CBC on April 4th and 5th! (He's growing a beard, because he will play "Jesus" on Easter Sunday.)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Mimi Reads the Pigeon Books to Macy's Class
Friday, March 13, 2009
Macy, the Writer

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Second Cousins
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Scooter Boy!
Macy was putting on quite a "Scooter Show," and she even told her mom and me exactly how to "vote." If they were bad, we did thumbs down, mediocre, thumbs sideways, very good, thumbs up! And if they were VERY, VERY good, it was both thumbs up as high as we could raise our arms. Then she said if they were extra, extra good, we were to do a little cheer (thanks to the Churchill High School Cheerleader Camp!), with our arms out to the side, then up, then down, etc. We got a little confused, but did the best we could to cheer on our scooter champs! Macy, I love your helmet AND the skirt (so athletic!), and the High School Musical shoes! It's all about fashion, you know. Both kids had great fun entertaining the neighborhood this afternoon in their huge cul-de-sac....Then, came.......
(The beard is for his role as "Jesus" at his church on Easter Sunday!