No, the award wasn't for the cutest little kindergarten girl, but for her photograph of her brother depicting the theme of the PTA Reflections Contest this year, which was "WOW." (See blog from a few weeks ago, below.) Children could enter in a variety of categories, such as art, music, writing, or photography. All of the NEISD schools were represented last night at the awards assembly, from grades K-12. I'd say there were maybe 500 parents and grandparents plus the winners in all of those categories from all of the schools. The room where the awards took place was set up to seat about half that many people. Luckily, Sean got there early and we had seats on the second row. Macy was just recovering from a stomach virus, had stayed home from school all day, but felt better as the day wore on. She was extremely happy when her mom and dad said she could go to the awards assembly. About an hour before it started, however, she began to feel queasy and, about 20 minutes before the assembly started, she got sick again. We almost left to go home, without the award, but she begged to stay. We all held our breath hoping she wouldn't get sick again, or throw up on the lady who presented her with the certificate and medal. (I was holding a plastic bag, just in case!!) The show finally started and lucky for all of us, they started with kindergarten photography! Macy was the fourth name called...

She jumped up from her Dad's lap, and even remembered to tell the lady "thank you," then walked back to where we were sitting and said, "Let's go home!" We followed her advice, got up and turned over our coveted seats to some of the hundreds of people standing in the back!

Here she is with her unsettled stomach, trying to pose for us outside. She got in the car, fell asleep, got home and was sick again before she crashed for the night. She stayed home from school again Tuesday, but was feeling much better, and hopefully is finished with the virus going around her school! We are so proud of you, Macy, and know there will be many more awards for your creative talents! (Her photograph won for the entire district in her category, and has now gone on to the state level!)
I'm sure she would have won for the cutest if there had been such an award. Congratulations, Macy, on your award.
Good job Macy. You look darling in spite of feeling so bad but a Mimi love always does wonders.
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