I went to Houston last weekend to see Ainsley---at 14 months, she is talking constantly, trying to immitate everything she hears! (Dangerous) One of the funny things she does is when she is finished eating, she pulls off her bib and says, "All done!" Here she is playing "Peek-a-Boo" with her bib, another favorite game.

One of her favorite toys is her Mickey Mouse truck, a birthday present from the Metcalf cousins. It's fun to ride and makes lots of noise! For dinner on Saturday night, we went to-------
---a very "kid-friendly" place. Ainsley enjoyed eating from her mom's and dad's burritos and since she just learned how to drink from a straw, she also enjoyed some nutritious Diet Coke!

Here she is imitating her dad who was being silly and holding his nose and talking to her---

Ride 'em, Cowgirl!! She's getting ready for the rodeo! Sorry I cut your head off, Daddy.
The video above is about 10 seconds long. It'll make you smile. She has just learned about TOUCHDOWNS! You can hear Mommy in the background prompting her! It was a weekend filled with lots of laughter. I hate that I live so far away, but I'll be going again next month to see what new tricks and words she has learned.
1 comment:
She is at that wonderful stage and is so adorably precious! I can see why you would love to see her everyday. What joy she brings to those around her!
And you with your tech skills--I'm impressed.
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