Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mimi/Macy Day

It was June 22, Marshall's sixth birthday. Julie was at a week-long workshop, and Sean had a few days off. He really wanted Marshall all by himself that day, so I got to have Macy all to myself!
Macy, like me at her age, is a doll lover! I decided to make it a special day by taking her to the Doll Collectible Store. I warned her before we went that we weren't buying anything, but she could make a wish list for Christmas! She was quickly absorbed in all the beautiful dolls in the store.

She found dolls like she had never seen before. In her hand, is a little baby doll she brought along. Here is she is, showing her all the other dolls. 

Macy has a special fondness for baby dolls. Some of these looked like real babies!

She loved the round cradle that housed a bunch of baby dolls! No, Macy, there is not enough room for this in your bedroom!
She was almost as intrigued with the special doll house room...

It was a little girl's fantasy world!

Next, we were off to Neiman Marcus to have lunch at the Mariposa.

I knew she'd love all the butterflies hanging from the ceiling over the escalator!

As soon as we sat down, we were served consomme. Macy looked at it kind of funny and said she didn't think she liked it. I encouraged her to try it and she smiled and said, "I love consomme!" She also loved the puffed rolls and ate all of her pasta and fruit. When I told her she could order dessert, she said I was "the best grandmother in the world!" Macy, it was such a special day for me, and I will always remember taking my real, live "granddaughter doll" for a special day of fun! I love you more than you'll ever know.

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