Saturday, January 3, 2009

Funny M&M

Macy and Marshall spent the night here last night, so Mommy and Daddy could have a real date night. They went out to dinner and to a movie, then got to sleep in late this morning. I was reading Macy and Marshall a book last night and Marshall had to go to the bathroom. He said, "Mimi, would you please put that book on PAUSE for just a minute?" (A child of technology) Later, I had told him we would go on a walk this morning, and when he woke up at 7:15 AM, the first thing out of his mouth was, "Can we go on a walk now?" When we walked out the door a couple of hours later, Macy saw water in the street from a water leak, and said, "Oh, good, the drought must be over now." (I had no idea she knew anything about a drought.) Their funny comments are really too numerous to write down at this age! Here's the latest family picture of the Metcalf family.

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