Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas, Phase 4, with John, Colleen, and Ainsley

John, Colleen, and Ainsley came over Christmas afternoon and we had another great family visit. Ainsley does not like to be held for very long, as you can see in this photo. She was ready to go explore the Christmas tree.

Ainsley warmed up to Papa quickly. Here she is "making eyes" at him and she even said, very clearly, "Papa!"
An attempt at a picture with her mom and dad. She just doesn't like to sit still!

One of her presents was a book called "Princess Baby" and she got the tiara to go with it...but it didn't stay on her head for long. I even caught this on video, and if I can figure out how to post it here, you'll be able to see her first reaction when we put this on her head. (But I think that may be beyond my computer skills!)

She loves books, but it it has to be short, just like her attention span.

A new Christmas stocking for Ainsley!

1 comment:

Pam said...

O my phase 4. Wow. What a great Christmas. Did you make all the stocking? And do you fill them all? Merry Christmas Gee's.