Sunday, January 24, 2010

Macy Wants To Be a Teacher

Macy has a little boy in her first grade class this year who is a special needs student. He has a teacher aide with him all day to help him. Julie, a counselor at her school, has explained his situation to Macy.
Last week, they were talking about careers in her classroom, and Macy told her teacher that when she grows up, she wants to open a school for children with special needs. She went to the teacher's aide and asked her if she would be one of the teachers in her school. She, of course, said, "Yes." Last night, she gathered a bunch of her dolls and stuffed animals and put them in a wagon and told Marshall she needed him to help her bus these "students" to their special needs' school. Then she turned to me and said, "Mimi, would you be a parent reader in my school?"

1 comment:

Pam said...

Wow, now that girl is going places! How special to have such a big heart. Like her Mimi.