Colleen was in her best friend's wedding Saturday, so I went to Houston to babysit with Ainsley. She was in rare form and very entertaining. She's talking a lot now and has learned to say, "Mimi," really well. Up until now, it sounded like "Mommy." She likes to mimic almost everything we say and do. She has a new table and enjoys sitting at it to eat a "clean meal." (Messy ones still require the high chair!)
Wheeeeerrrreeee's Ainsley? Can you find her? Poor, deprived child doesn't have enough toys! The family room has become "Ainsley's Room!"
She woke up very fussy from her afternoon nap, but once I put her in the stroller and we took a walk, she became happy again. Before, above; after, below!
And she loved getting in and out of a cardboard box!!
You kept me very busy, little Ainsley, and brought lots of laughs! I will see you in a few more weeks, and I can't wait to see what new things you've learned!
What a cutie. And I love the table and chairs. Can't find her in the toy room.
She's getting so big and cute. Really starting to look like a little lady and less baby. Sad but so cute, thanks for posting her pics!
She's getting so big and cute. Really starting to look like a little lady and less baby. Sad but so cute, thanks for posting her pics!
I think I see her in that toy gym to the left. And she's so deprived! lol
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