Colleen had to go out of town this week, so John called "911-Mimi!" I spent three nights with them and enjoyed my tenth trip to Houston in the last year. When Ainsley saw me walk in the door, she ran with her arms up in the air and her mouth open, like this picture. It was a great welcome!
This is the new walking, talking, singing Elmo, which she got for her birthday. It's almost as big as she is and she has learned to say, "Elmo" very clearly. She hasn't decided if she likes him or is scared of him, but I think he's the cutest toy I've ever seen. He does a variety of actions, depending on where you squeeze him, and if he falls down, he says, "Uh-oh, Elmo fell down, can you help Elmo get up?" It was almost like having another child in the house!

I missed Ainsley's birthday party on Saturday, because I was coming to Houston on Monday...I brought her a cupcake and even dressed up her high chair with the cute "skirt" and cover that Colleen found on the internet for her party. She mostly enjoyed the icing!

Ainsley is going to love shoes just like her mommy. These are her new ladybug shoes. She is so much fun to dress!

We spent one afternoon outside in the front yard picking up leaves and putting them in her new Mickey Mouse truck, a gift from her cousins, Macy and Marshall.

She sat on a rock and waved to the cars going by on the busy street at the corner.

She loves the new flowers that Daddy had just planted. It was a great three days. See you next month, little Ainsley! I love you!
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