You can't really see the teeth marks Ainsley just put in the table at The Black Lab in Houston, but she left her mark there!
Ainsley wasn't sure she liked the statue of an English guard at the restaurant, so Mommy held her tightly!

One of her favorite things to do is listen to books being read to her, especially after she pulls out an entire basket of books and sits in the middle of them!

She loves to walk around and around the coffee table. She'd let go and take just a few steps. It won't be long before she is running through the house! Look at her new "Bobux shoes!" Very stylish!

She just fits in the little chair that was originally bought for Macy, when she visited Aunt Leenie and Uncle John at about this age. And she looooooved the new Dora tent and tunnel that Daddy bought her!

I think it's safe to say, Ainsley has taken over the family room! It is child-proof, and full of everything an 11-month old loves to play with.

Here is a very sleepy little girl waving "bye-bye" to me this morning. See you in a few weeks, Ainsley! It was another fun weekend getting to play with you, Mom, Dad, and your Gigi.
1 comment:
O nothinkg like a weekend with grandkids. Darling pictures.
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