This picture was taken Sunday morning before we left Houston. Macy and Ainsley had fun playing together this weekend. Macy can't wait for her to get a little bigger so she can teach her how to make tiaras with "foamy stickers."
To see what Ainsely is looking at in the backyard, scroll down! "Oh, I wish I were a little bigger."

Macy and her friend, Samantha, who lives across the street from John and Colleen came over to swim. They swam with Uncle John for about two hours, laughing and diving for rings on the bottom of the pool. Hurry up, Ainsley, and grow up so you can join us!

Happiness is being in the pool in Daddy's arms and Mommy taking our picture...

...and being spoiled by Uncle John with a red-iced donut for breakfast!!! It matched her cute outfit! She also had a pink donut! What happens at Uncle John's house stays at Uncle John's house!

Ainsley loved playing "Peek-A-Boo" with Macy!

Ainsley has learned so many tricks since a few weeks ago when I last saw her. She crawls everywhere, pulls up on furniture, has begun to really "talk," claps her hands, and loves to stick her tongue up and out of her mouth to the side like this!

Ainsley, I will see you again in three weeks. I love you and wish you lived closer! Macy, thanks for going with me to Houston. You were a great companion. I especially loved our bedtime stories and talks! I'm a lucky Mimi!
You are a lucky Mimi, how fun! Thanks for sharing the great pics!!
Love your blog and the precious pics of your little ones. You are lucky but so are your grands to have a Mimi like you!
Mimi, When are we going back to Houston? I had so much fun with you. You're the BEST. I love you.
So glad you are doing that. Looks like great fun and you are watching them grow. Darling grandchildren. Fun memories made that weekend.
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