Ainsley had just started walking a few weeks before, and she did NOT want to be sitting in the chair.
Please note that in every picture, Macy had a perfect smile. Julie had told her not to look at Ainsley, just to keep looking at the photographer. Marshall, on the other hand, thought he was responsible for keeping Ainsley in the chair, then used a "fake smile" when he was looking at the camera!

This one is so funny. Ainsley just loved having everyone stand up with her. For one of John and Colleen's and Julie and Sean's Christmas presents, I had a collage poster made of 16 of the funniest out-takes, then I, with Larry's help, wrote captions on the back from each child's point of view as to what they were thinking throughout this ordeal. Below is what we think was going on in their heads!
Picture Time Through Macy’s Eyes
“I am the oldest and most beautiful grandchild, and I’m going to be a model some day, so I’ll just sit here and smile my prettiest smile. Oh, Cousin Ainsley, sit still! You’re ruining the picture! What’s the matter with you? Hey, Ainsley, you’re covering up my face. Sit down lower, so I can be in the picture too. After all, I’m the star of the whole picture!”
Picture Time Through Marshall’s Eyes
“OK, Mimi had this ridiculous idea that we are all three going to be in a picture for her Christmas card! I’m going to smile for about three pictures, and THAT’S it!! I have more important things to do like playing with those giant Legos on that table over there! Ainsley, SIT STILL!! Come here! Just because you just learned how to walk, doesn’t mean you can’t sit in a chair for a few minutes!! Get in this chair and cooperate! Don’t you know the word ‘OBEY??’ Let’s get this over with so we can go get ice cream and play! Mommy, quit telling me to stop watching Ainsley and just smile. Let me just try a “fake smile,” and maybe they’ll say we’re through! Ainsley, come back here!!! Oh, GIRLS!!
Picture Time Through Ainsley’s Eyes
“I hate this red velvet chair. They’re crazy to think I’m going to sit in it for 75 pictures!! Hey, I’ve been trying to learn how to walk for a year. I just learned how last week, and now they’re telling me to SIT STILL!! They really are crazy! What is that cute feather thing they’re waving at me. Let me see how it tastes. Mimi, come to my rescue! Let’s go for a walk. Maybe if I crouch down like this, they won’t see me, and I can sneak out of this room! Let me get this stupid, itchy, bow off my head…there, that feels a lot better! Macy, get your hands off of me. You’re covering up the ‘A’ on my shirt and Mimi paid $9.00 extra to get this monogrammed! Oh, now, they think if Macy and Marshall stand up and hold my hands, I’ll be happy and stay in the picture. Well, I’ll show them! Mommy, Daddy, Mimi, Aunt Julie…somebody, come rescue me from this torture!! And, they think NEXT YEAR will be easier!! I’ll be two years old then, and soooo much smarter!”
A Few More Cute Individual Photos