Sunday, March 6, 2011

Monkeying Around at the Houston Zoo

It was the perfect day for a trip to the Houston Zoo with Ainsley. She is the perfect age (3) to be very curious and interested in the different animals. One of our favorite things to do was ride the carousel and we managed to do it twice! She loved waving to all the people on the side.
She called this one a "reindeer." I guess since it was February, Christmas was still on her mind!
We saw ELEPHANTS! Even a baby, although he was hard to get a picture of!
This one was a little tamer!
What is she looking at?
I don't remember the name of this animal, but they are kin to giraffes (look at their head) and they have legs like a zebra!
Acting like a monkey, for the monkeys!
Look at me, Mr. Lion!!! But Mr. Lion had other ideas! Zzzzz.......
An early lunch stop to beat the crowds. No straws or lids on the drinks "for animal safety."
We loved the giraffes! Look, there's a baby!
A beautiful yellow parrot
Gorgeous fish!
After about three hours, both Ainsley and I were wearing down. The Houston Zoo is very large! We didn't begin to see it all, but we had lots of fun and there's always a "next time." As we were walking to the car, she began holding up her arms to me and saying, "Up-a, up-a," which has been her signal for "Pick me up, please," since she was very little. It used to be so much fun to pick her up, but now at almost 40 pounds, she is just too heavy for me to lift, so I kept encouraging her by saying, "We're almost at the car, just keep walking." Oh, what I would have given for VALET PARKING at the zoo about this time!!! We made it, however, and before I got out of the parking lot, the little monkey was sound asleep in her car seat!


KK said...

I love the Houston zoo, how fun!

Pam said...

What a fun day. And I learned something too.
Gosh our grandkids sure have grown since we started these blogs.