Ainsley, her dad, and I spent a fun afternoon at a nearby school playground. She loved checking out all the playground equipment and talking about how someday when she goes to this school, she will play here at recess!
John had been telling me how great Ainsley was at kicking a soccer ball. Seeing is believing! Unfortunately, my video/blogging skills need to be improved because this little video is only about half-way uploaded! She was pretty amazing!
This was NOT a happy ending to our afternoon! John was kicking the ball to Ainsley, and he kicked it so hard that it bounced on the sidewalk and onto the roof of the school....where it will remain until the next hurricane hits Houston! When I was taking the video, we thought it ALMOST landed on the roof, but in actuality, it DID!! If only I had continued with the recording to see Ainsley's reaction! She was a very unhappy little girl and cried for a long time! Dad promised he'd buy her a new one, however, so the tears dried up!