Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ready for "Meet the Teacher Night"

These pictures were taken last Thursday afternoon, as Macy and Marshall were waiting for their dad to come pick them up to take them to school to meet their new teachers. (Julie is the counselor at their school and was already there.) Macy picked out one of her new school dresses, then wanted her hair curled with a curling iron. Marshall wanted his hair spiked with gel. (He looks so different!) He found his "Jesus necklace" and even put it on by himself, saying, "I'm in kindergarten now, and I need to be able to do this by myself." Their energy and excitement were limitless!

1 comment:

KK said...

And now I will sit down and have a good cry! Lol, not really, but when and how did they get this big? Oh I do love the deeper conversations I can have with them now. Yep, there's a tear, told ya! :)