Saturday, March 21, 2009

CBC Kids' Choir Concert

Macy and Marshall have enjoyed being in Kids' Choir for the second year in a row. Last night was their concert to end the year. Hard to see them, but Marshall was on the front row, and Macy was on the back row....and this was just the 4 and 5 year olds!! Thank goodness for the big jumbo screens on either side of the stage which showed good close-ups of all the kiddos. Super job, Macy and Marshall!!

Sean always does such a great job when he gets up in front of the congregation. Since he is the pastor for the elmentary age children, he was called upon to give the final invocation at the end of the concert. He will be doing his first real sermon at CBC on April 4th and 5th! (He's growing a beard, because he will play "Jesus" on Easter Sunday.)

1 comment:

Pam said...

O my how wonderful to see all the children singing and praising the Lord. Sean great job and M&M good job as well.
Maybe we'll go to church that first sunday to hear Sean. I'm sure you are going?