Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Two Funny Little Boys

Today was Sam's last day of summer vacation before his school starts tomorrow, and Marshall's school doesn't start until next week. It was a fun day for the two boys to play together without an older sibling interfering. I've never seen two more perfectly-matched little boys. They laughed and played all day long. Both of them remembered to say, "please," "thank-you," and "you're welcome" over and over again, without ever being prompted. Yes, Mom and Dad, your hard work is beginning to pay off!! There were no arguments or tears. When Sam wanted to play with Marshall's transformer, he said, "Sure," and Sam replied, "Thank you, Marshall." Here, they are reading the book, "Eight Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed," which they both know well, and "read" together in unison, laughing the whole time, especially when they made their voices really deep to say the doctor's words, "AND NO MORE MONKEYS JUMPING ON THE BED!!"

Papa decided to take the boys for a walk to see the swimming pool, while Mimi was fixing mac and cheese for lunch. Marshall, a year older than Sam, is showing Sam his "curbing skills." They came back tired and hot with pink cheeks and smelling like teenagers! After gulping lots of cold water....

...we had macaroni and cheese, pineapple, and cookies. Sam wasn't too sure about the shell macaroni, "Mommy gets the other kind," but he ate it anyway. We played on the deck, raced cars, played with the doll house (even though Macy wasn't here to make them!), and read lots more books. They loved the "pigeon" books. Then, they watched "Lady and the Tramp," or as Sam put it, "The Tramp and Lady"...They had to have the pillows on the floor, their favorite white blanket, and the shade down to make the room as dark as possible, while watching the movie. And for some reason, they wanted to be extremely close to the screen!

After "napping," and snacking on popcorn, they topped off the day with a walk to the park to feed crackers to the fish. Both boys---and Mimi and Papa---should sleep well tonight!

1 comment:

Pam said...

O what a perfect day. I'm going to copy everything you did when mine are older. What a fun time.