This past Labor Day weekend, I went to Houston to visit John, Colleen, and Ainsley. One of the things we did was go shopping at the IKEA store! Ainsley had a ball when we got to the children's area. She loved this cool little chair that had a cover that came down over it!
Colleen attempted to put her hair in a pony tail, but it didn't last long!
One of her favorite things to do is ride on her Mickey Mouse truck! It's just her size!
We went to the Muscular Dystrophy Telethon Kick-off Party, which Colleen was involved with this past Labor Day weekend. At first, Ainsley was a little scared of the clowns and the loud music, but then this cute clown made her a butterfly balloon and she warmed up a little.

This is one of the funniest pictures I've ever seen. Ainsley was dancing so fast, her arms almost disappeared in the blurriness! She had such fun at this party and danced so hard that at one point, she fell down on the floor and just stayed there kicking her feet around to the beat of the music! She slept well that night! It was another great visit with this blessing of a granddaughter!